Success Story

OpsGuru Customer Success Story: Empowering Numeris on the Cloud Journey

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Discover how Numeris, a leading data company specializing in audio and video consumer insights, transformed their business with OpsGuru's expertise and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solutions.

The Challenge

Numeris faced challenges in information security and privacy due to the evolving landscape. They required an air-gapped backup solution, not connected to the internet, to meet insurance requirements. AWS provided a cloud-based solution and introduced OpsGuru as an implementation partner.

Our Solution

OpsGuru proved to be more than just a vendor; they became a true business partner. They guided Numeris through cloud technology implementation, change management, and offered expertise in AWS technology. The partnership resulted in a successful transition on time and on budget.

Numeris experienced significant benefits after moving to AWS and partnering with OpsGuru:

  • Technology Upgrade: Their outdated on-prem infrastructure was replaced with modern cloud technology, eliminating the need for costly hardware replacements.
  • Enhanced Product Deployment: Previously, deploying new features or products could take weeks or months. With the cloud, scripting infrastructure allowed Numeris to deploy in minutes.
  • Engaged Teams: Cloud technology motivated their teams, leading to continuous upskilling and improved engagement. The process created a sense of ownership and enthusiasm among team members.
  • Customer Value: The cloud's scalability and agility enabled Numeris to offer more timely and insightful data products to their customers.

The Result

Thoughts from Mency Woo, VP of Enterprise Transformation, OpsGuru

🎙️ Choosing the Right Cloud Provider Selecting AWS was a strategic decision based on its mature technology and support offerings. OpsGuru's partnership with AWS aligned perfectly with Numeris' needs for resilience, security, and scalability.

🎙️ The Human Aspect of Cloud Adoption Cloud adoption goes beyond technology rollout. It encompasses upskilling, change management, and aligning technology with business goals. OpsGuru served as a trusted advisor, ensuring Numeris' success by de-risking the cloud adoption journey and helping align technology with business needs.

🎙️ Unlocking Business Transformation OpsGuru's focus on enabling business transformation through technology and empowering teams makes it a true thought leader. The collaboration with Numeris extended beyond technology, emphasizing people, processes, and governance.

Achieving Success Together Numeris' journey from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud with AWS and OpsGuru demonstrates the power of partnership, innovation, and customer-focused technology. The combination of resilient infrastructure, empowered teams, and cloud-powered growth positions Numeris for a bright future in the data industry.

Are you ready to embark on your own cloud transformation journey? Let OpsGuru be your guide, driving success through technology, people, and business innovation. Contact us today to learn more about our tailored solutions and partnership approach.

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